

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Post IM Canada

Okay, I know it's been a little bit, and most of you know the story, but I will post a full race report from my day soon. I really appreciate all of your kind words on my last post. Thanks for those, they really brighten my spirit.

School started up the day after we got back from Canada and we have been unpacking and getting our rooms ready at Brentwood. Know that I am not 'hiding' and not wanting to tell you all the details. I just want to make sure I have enough time to do a quality job.

I am looking forward to Kona now, and I hope to have a better performance than I did last year. And I was pretty happy with last year's race.


Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

I look forward to your more detailed update! I'm glad you are home and on the mend.

Good luck with all of the preparations for the start of school, and I hope you are feeling much better.

I talked to someone at one of the offices where I consult. She has the "bug" you got in Canada and as a manager had sent three people home today with it!

When I told her you had the same bug, had done an Ironman swim and 100 miles on a bike before stopping...she said, " Oh my gosh. We had one gal who when she got it couldn't walk to her car in the parking lot! How did he do that??"

You are one amazing athlete!

I know Kona will go really well and you are in my thoughts and prayers for total recovery before then!

Love, Linda

Kim Herring said...

Roger - I hope you are having some time to rest & recover this week and that you are over the "bug". I know that it was a tough decision to make on Sunday but it was the right one for your body.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're recovering, Rog! Terrific effort and decisionmaking on Sunday, man. I hope you're recovering well, and having a fun transition (well, a successful one, anyway) back into the teaching role.

I look forward to learning the details of your race experience.

I love you!

The Farrell Family said...

We're proud that you could make the decision to take care of your body... and then take care of your team. Way to go!

Love you.

Anonymous said...

You continue to amaze and inspire those who know you. I know you will fully recover and be ready for Kona. I applaud your efforts and good judgement in taking care of yourself rather than risking your overall well being. That was a huge decision to make in the midst of a race. See you soon.
Cindy T

tak2lmt said...

You can use my medal and T-shirt when you want. Momma always said A little white lie wont hurt anything. Dude your a stud, just because you didnt finish doesnt mean anything. We all know you can do the race but we also know that it is better to be healthy for worlds than get another t-shirt and medal. Was there green chunks in your spue.

tak2lmt said...

Did you eat enough pizza to make up for the stuff you didnt get.

LORIE said...

Good skill!! Knowing your limitations and being able to see the big picture!

The Farrell Family said...

Sorry we couldn't make it to your birthday celebration. Looks like you had a great time with family and friends!

Happy Birthday!

Love you!