

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Emma's Snowman

We finally got a good enough snowfall that we were able to make a snowman. Jessi and Emma went shopping with Ntalie and Lorie. While they were gone I made a big snowman... roughly 7 feet tall! I was pretty excited for Emma to return to see this giant in her front yard. Unfortunately, Emma was asleep when they drove up so I had to wait for her to get up from her late nap. She finally awoke at about 8:00pm. We went out to chek out this cool creation (nice pun). It did not take long before we decided to bombard it with snowballs and Karate chops. It's head was the first to go. Emma got one heck of a belly laugh from that. It was exciting for her to see this huge snowball fal from 5 feet up and crash onto the ground. It was pretty much all over from that point. Jessi decided to go and get he camera and was able to salvage some shots before the snowman was completely demolished.

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After we destroyed the big one, I created a smaller one that Emma pushed over and jumped on. now I'm not too sure if this is the message we should be sending her as she goes off to school, but it sure was fun. I would imagine that in a year or two we will get a phone call from school saying that Emma ruined someone's snowman at school by jumping on it's head. It's a little different picture han the Hallmark image that we all want to have as the dad lifts the child up to the snowman's head and then the child places the hat on it or the carrot nose. Instead, I lifted Emma up high enough to get the head so she could kick it off. I think my activity brought a bigger smile to her face... and mine.


tak2lmt said...

Nobody posted anything and I feel bad for you so I will be your friend. Now you can work on a new blog.

tak2lmt said...

I forgot, she is so cute and you are well just not as cute.

tak2lmt said...

I finally get some time to read blogs and you still have this up. Didnt you just get a 2 week break. What did you do all that time.
Lazy ass

tak2lmt said...

This is a woderful post. I feel like I have been here before.

tak2lmt said...

Here again. Do you need help with your blog's. Have your wife wite something out for you.

tak2lmt said...

This is a great post. I have it posted in my mind also. I feel like I have been her before????????

tak2lmt said...

ooooopppps Here before????? Although I have been her before. I didnt like putting on the eye shadow.