I don’t think I had really planned on doing this race, but it came to be after I decided I needed to get a race in after not doing the Lifetime race in Minneapolis last week because we sold our house and have been putting all kinds of time getting the new house ready and moving stuff. So long story short, just could not justify the $450 plane ticket to do a race that my mind was really not in… nor was my fitness.
So I decided I would do the Best of the US Washington qualifier in Chelan, Washington. I have heard that this race is a great one and the venue was nice. Normally I would have raced a ¼ Ironman (yes, that’s the exact distances) in Colville, WA. It’s a fun race, but logistically it’s a bit of a challenge but many friends go up and do it which makes it fun. The BOUS race was a USAT race too, which often makes it a little more ‘sound.’
We stayed in Wenatchee (35 minutes away from Chelan) the night before and made the early 5:00am drive race morning. We had not problem finding the place with the sue of ‘Claudia,’ my GPS Nav voice. Though we are not supposed to park near the transition area, somehow we found ourselves there. It worked out, and was convenient.
I quickly registered and got my bike in transition. We were supposed to get our bikes in there the night before, but it just did not work out that way. I was able to find a decent spot, but pretty sub par from what I would normally do. But I would not be spending much time there anyway.

After getting things set up and chatting with a few familiar faces, it was time to get things ready for the start of the swim. I got on my second skin (B70 Helix) and my goggles and waited at the start. Manny, a guy from Spokane, told me there was an athlete here that is a great ITU race. That is, fast swim, solid bike, and great run. It really did not mean anything to me except that there would be some guy swimming off the front. He had said that he was from Spokane, but it was odd that I did not know who he was… hmmm. So at the start I looked for someone who ‘looked’ fast. Most fit people in wetsuits and goggles look fit and fast to me. But once the gun goes off, you normally don’t see too many of them. I could not locate anyone that looked like ‘the guy.’

The countdown began and the race started. I took off fast and settled in. I was behind one guy at about 200 meters and then did a quick look to see where the lead was. There was no one in front. So someone could be next to us, but no one was up in front. After a about 30 more seconds, I too another exaggerated look, and again, no one. So I figured this was the lead. Me and this guy in front of me. We continued to swim along. Felt comfortable and not working too hard. We were moving pretty well, but it wasn’t anything crazy. It was nice to have a rope that connected all the buoys right below us. It made it easy to sight…actually, you did not have to at all. It was like having a lane line in the lake, which came in handy when we had to swim back straight into the sun. We made the turn at the far point and I took the lead. I swam steady and the guy stayed behind me for quite some time. He eventually decided that he needed to lead, or I was going too slow, so he started to come up next to me. We were swimming side by side so I yielded and got behind him. Seemed pointless for the 2 guys in the lead to swim next to one another. As we approached the finish, it got a little crazier. We were running into a lot of the swimmers from the ½ IM that started 30 minutes prior.

We eventually exited and I let him get out first since he had pulled so much to the finish. As I got out and removed my goggles, I heard Jessi yell, ‘He is 3:30 ahead.’ HE? HE who? I thought. We were the leaders. Well, no matter how much I wanted to convince myself that that was the case, the reality was I was 3:30 down on the lead…. CRAP! I managed to close 10 seconds on him through T1, but this was frustrating to me. Not that there was someone that was by far a superior swimmer, but because I had not idea. I thought I knew that there was not anyone ahead, but I was wrong. I am solid on the bike, but to close 3:30 on the bike to a guy that can run well, is a tall order if you want to win. But you will never know if you race for 2nd. I was on the bike and riding well. Jessi and Emma cheered me on and encouraged me like only family members can do.
My watts were a tad high, but I would have to run in the red zone a bit if I was going to close this. As I have learned, my run does not improve when I ride easy. So I was going to go hard and try and close what I could. I was passing a lot of people that were in the ½ IM, but the lead riding in the Olympic race was no where in sight. I knew that I would not close 3:30 in the first few miles. It was about a steady effort and maintaining a constant power on the ups and the downs. I had the ride this smart… utilize all aspects of this rolling twisty course to my advantage. Even use the people on it too. Stay focused. And stay on top of my hydration and nutrition in the process.
As I approached the turnaround (12.2 mile mark), I saw that ‘HE’ was just getting there too. We literally entered the turn at the exact same time. He did not know that I was coming in behind him and took the turn conservatively. I took the inside and cut it sharp and accelerated out of it. He said something, I think more of a surprised statement, but I really did not pay attention. I needed to put more time into him and now he knew exactly where I was. I knew I would not put another 3:00 into him on the way back, but I needed to put something. I figured he would elevate his effort to keep me in sight, and I was hoping he would do so and push harder than he should. That way it would hopefully take something out of his run. Tried to maintain a steady effort, but when you are chasing you ride with more intensity. When you arte being chased, you tend to ride a tad more cautiously as not to lay too much out there and not be able to respond… old cycling mentality. I ended up averaging a slightly lower power output on the way back…maybe 4 watts, but I knew my body was working harder. It did not matter, this is where I would gain the time. With a mile to go on the bike, I could pretty much see T2. I was already mentally preparing for my transition.
I rolled quickly into T2 clearing people out of my way that have been just ‘hanging out’ for the past hour and a half. The race was arriving and the volunteers would now need to start working. Things went quick in T2 and I took off my Rudy Project helmet and exchanged it for a pair of swift Zoot shoes, and then I was off.

I could hear Emma shouting my name and yelling, ‘Go Daddy.’ As I was heading out on the run, Jessi told me that I had 2:30 on 2nd. Hmmm, that’s pretty good. But I would need to run well in order to maintain that. It’s amazing how fast your mind can do math in a race. It’s kind of gives you the ‘key’ to the role you must play in order to make it happen. I figured I was running 6 min miles (optimistically) and he would need to run about 5:35s in order to catch me. Good runners can do that, and have done that to me. So I was going to need to run a little better to really be safe. On a side note, it’s kind of funny that I was only thinking about HIM, no one else. Because there was a guy in the race that has run a 33 minute 10ks… but I was not worried about him. Just the guy who was immediately behind me. I eventually made it to the turnaround. I hit my lap button on my TIMEX watch to get an idea as to how far back 2nd was. I just wanted the time to tic by. I glanced at my watch and it was at 1 minute. That’s good. Then I saw him. Oh boy. What would the watch say. I glanced down and saw that I was about 1:40 up on him from the turn, so double that and I was 3:20 ish ahead. A bit of relief really. We both stuck our hands out and gave a ‘high 5’ of sorts and I said ‘hang in there.’ He looked like he was fading quite a bit. His strides were short and not a lot of leg lift. I figured he was not all of a sudden going to be able to run sub 5 minute miles and catch me. Whew! I kept running and focusing on what I was doing. I saw some more athletes coming that looked like they were running really well, but they would have to run 4 minute miles… highly unlikely. I kept pushing it and was hoping to have a solid 10k run. I knew I was not in jeopardy unless I screwed something up. As I approached the finish I could hear Emma cheering me on. I can always seem to hear her voice in a crowd. I could hear Jessi too and she let me know that there was no one in sight, which makes the finish a little less hectic.
Notice Emma Running right behind meI crossed the line the overall winner and the Washington State representative for the Best Of The US race in Tempe, AZ on October 26th. This is where the fastest male and the fastest female from each state will converge to see which state is the fastest in the nation.

A little disclaimer, it does not necessarily mean that I ‘am’ the fastest in the state, but the fastest at the race that is designated as the selection race for the fastest in the state. I would have to be pretty pompous to actually think I was, or even say I was. But on this day, at this race, I was. I was told that Kalen, the guy I was racing, did have some trouble with his cycling shoe which cost him some time. I think he rode the entire bike with one shoe on and the other foot without. Don’t really understand that, but I am sure that played a huge role in his race. I know that he is an amazing athlete with a big future. I am sure he will get his revenge sometime soon.
It was a good day all in all. I have to say that I did not expect this at all. We have been so busy getting our new house ready to move in to and our old house to move out of, training has been a little suspect. There have been many early mornings (5:30am) and many late nights (3:30am… yes am) trying to get things done. In the process the main thing that has been neglected has been training. Apparently I have been able to get in a few ‘core’ workouts to maintain some fitness. I know that you cannot hang your hat on this kind of training, so it will resume in full force again. Hopefully this week. However, it has come at a good time since this is definitely the more ‘quite’ time for me when it comes to racing. In about 3 more weeks, things will pick up again and will continue until early November. So it’s been a good break.

A huge thank you to my number 1 and 1a supporters, Jessi and Emma, who decided to come down to cheer me on. There has been a lot going on and it would have been much easier to stay home and keep working or simply rest. But instead, they choose to come and watch Daddy race and support him in what was expected to be a humblefest…and motivation for training. No matter where I am in placing, or how I feel, when I see and hear them they help me to keep it all in perspective and enjoy the moment.

I learned a lot form this race. Learnings that I will apply to future races. But for now, I will enjoy the fact that I was able to put together a solid race regardless of what place I got.
Excellent work in the race Roger. If there's one local triathlete I'd bet could make up that kind of time gap on the bike, it would be you. Passing him at the turn had to be a huge relief. Seeing how you probably ended up outsplitting him to the run turn must have given you plenty of time to enjoy this race before it was actually over. I know exactly what you mean in terms of mid-race math telling you what role you have to play. It's kind of interesting to hear it from someone else's perspective. I'm not sure if I was disappointed or relieved that you didn't race Tiger ... probably a little of both. A good race, even when getting beat, always seems to be more satisfying to me. You're going to represent our state well. I wish you the best of luck. If you need some tough training, I'd be happy to join in to help get you ready. Also, I love that pic of you with Emma running in the background.
way to go, rockstar!
Was it Kalen Darling from HI (formerly)? He is a phenomenal swimmer, used to win all the ocean races here, and he moved to WA recently. His run is rocking too, when he's on.. way to show him whose boss of WA ;)
Congrats, look forward to following you at BOUS!
Roger you are AMAZING! You really poured it all out! Great report. We can only say WOW what an animal:)
Conratulations and by the way it's not bragging. You will represent us well (Washington) and can't wait to see how it goes for you.
Love the pics and the one of Emma running behind you is sweet. Also love the one of her at the end. What a little rockstar! Look out world Team Thompson is starting to pull out all the stops!
Congratulations again
Michelle and Jay
Love you babe! We love watching you do your 'thang'... you're amazing! I loved talking to Pat (the announcer and old cycling buddy) when you were out on the bike. I told him you left transition 3:20 down. Pat's comment, "That guy has no idea what's comin'..."
After the race, someone we know came up to me and said, "I always like it when the nice guy wins the race." He went on to talk about how humble you are. I honestly think that's a greater 'prize' than any medal or BOUS slot. We love you and were glad to be able to support you down there.
(And hooray to me for taking awesome splits in the midst of cheering AND taking pictures. My cheer squad abilities are obviously peaking - LOL!)
XOXO Proud of you, hon!
Great job at the race. Way to stay focused even with the shock of the swim. YOu will represent Washington well and the results will be awesome.
Keep up the hard work.
Great race Roger, you looked solid out there. Even with being so busy that you dont have much time to train you still blew away the field and a Pro, very impressive. Give yourself a hand!
Another win in the bag....nice job. When people ask about you not racing Ironman this season, I just respond "he's winning everything" and that's not even an exaggeration! What else can I say? Other than-what the heck was that look on your face in the picture of you getting your wetsuit on before the race? Breakfast not agreeing with you?
Props to Jessi for getting some great shots of you. Those little ladies take great care of you.
Way to go. Congrats!
P. Keebler
Awesome race report! By far your best to date - it really had me on the edge of my seat even though I already knew you won!
As always, I'm floored by your athletic ability. You are so flipping fast. Awesome that you are competing as the best of Washington! I'm thrilled to have you as my state's rep!
Congrats, Robbie!
p.s. I'm glad Claudia was helpful to you. I'm obsessed with her!
This was a great race report! I love it when you get to "chase" someone down in a race! It is so intense and exciting! Congrats on your phenomenal win and I am proud to have you represent our state! You are so smokin' FAST! I can't wait to see how you do in the big race :)
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