Well, not all that big. But I am on the Blue Seventy blog. Check it out at:

I have to say that it's really nothing about me. It's an advertisement for B70 and is using the TIMEX on the suit for an example of printing that can be done on suits. But it is me in the suit.
I also have to give a shout out to Phaedra who took the shot. She and Ben snuck their way onto the dock to get that shot, and a few others. Those are posted below on my Wildflower post. Bottom line, it is a great shot. Hence the reason they used it.
Congrats Phaedra!!!
Oh, and Roger ;) It is a great shot - looking good!
Tyra, on America's Next Top Model, would say that the intensity in that pose is timeless! Looking good RT!!
I don't care if it's about you or not! It's still totally kick ass to pull up the blog and see you front and center! What a great shot! Can I have your autograph?
I think if you would have been standing off to the side, looking terrified with slouching shoulders and a finger up your nose, they probably wouldn't have used it.
You're a great subject and represent the brand well. Ben is the one that lured me on to the dock. All in all, with all your sleek TIMEX gear on, it's harder not to get a good shot.
Good stuff. Congrats and thanks for the props!
We used it indeed because it is a great shot and of course also because you had a great race and did well representing blueseventy, Timex, Trek and all your other sponsors.
stop being modest look at you go. Even Your Sponsor Blogged a reply!!
We're gonna need a red carpet for the next Tri-Fusion Meeting:)
Michelle and Jay
Nice job Chaz...
WOW!!! Whst s shot. I want your autograph. Who are you? Who are your parents? They must be something.
Your sister's mother
Amazing shot Rog!! Super photo and the intende look on your face says it all!! :)
Love Linda
that's "intense" :)
Pretty cool, Roger.
And I can say I knew you when...
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