Upon arrival to Phoenix, I got a text from Bruce Gennari (TIMEX athlete) letting me know that he was there and about to get something to eat. I knew I would not be able to connect with him, but it was nice to know he was there and ready to make a weekend of it.
I collected my bike and headed out to get on the Best Western shuttle, which I did. But ended getting on the wrong one…the one that went to the airport Best Western. Fortunately I did not leave the terminal and waited a bit longer. I stood there next to the curb in about 85 degree heat in the shade. Just like the weather I left in Spokane.
I got checked in to my hotel and waited for Chris Thomas (TIMEX rider) to get there. I got my bike all put together and put on the new front wheel that I got from Fitness Fanatics. Thanks Robin. It all went together fine and looked tough. I watched some educational shows, like I always do when I travel, and waited for Chris to get there. I was getting hungry and fortunately Chris was on his way and he wanted food too.
I met him in the lobby where we both introduced ourselves to another triathlete, Chris Fetter form Nevada. Chris and I both raced at the Rage in the Sage in Nevada in April. That is where he qualified. He was interested in getting some food too and he had a car. So he hauled Chris and I to eat at some fancy pub. It was cool to get to know Chris and hear about him and what he does and the connection he has to the PNW. He was supposed to be staying with Bruce…kind of funny…but ended up staying at our hotel instead. We all planned on getting up and going for a ride in the morning after our continental breakfast.
The morning came and off we went to get some grub. And guess who showed up for breakfast? Bruce. He spent a lot of time at our hotel. Much more than at his own. I think the people actually thought he was a guest since he was there each morning for breakfast and using the shuttle service. We also ran into Cindi Bannick (TIMEX rider) and her roommate Crystal who is originally form Belgium and racing for Georgia. As you can tell we were turning into quite a pack. We decided that morning to go for a ride and check out the run course. We left at about 9:00am and the sun was already out and making a statement. The high on Saturday was to be 92 degrees. We definitely did not want to hang out in that too long. So we rode around town, attempted to ride what we thought was the run course, and then headed back to the hotel to shower and get ready to drive the bike course and get something to eat.
We took 2 cars to drive this bike course that had 5 ‘out and backs’ (e.g. 180 degree turnarounds) as well as twenty 90 degree turns. We would do 2 laps of this supposedly totaling 27 miles. We would later find out that the race distance would be about 31-32 miles. This course was pretty complicated, but would probably make more sense once it was marked with cones and volunteers. But for the time being, it was very difficult to navigate. We finally finished the drive and decided to check in and then get some food.
After we walked all over a 1 block area looking for the ‘right’ place with 6 different ideas, we ended up back at the place we went last night. It was good, but I have to say I was getting tired of the place already.
We all decided it was about nap time and we needed to get the gear set up for the mandatory bike check in at 4:00pm. Having forgot my shoes at my last race, I decided that it would be pretty important to take a good inventory of what I was bringing this time. Some of the items that we got at this race were pretty cool. For numbers, they were actually temporary tattoos that we placed on ourselves. Knowing how complicated these ‘can’ be, I knew this was a good idea that was going to go bad. But what do I know, this was my first year. The race numbers and the numbers on the bike were pretty cool. They had the state flag on them with the state name. And the number that we each got corresponded with the order in which our state became a ‘state,’ or part of the union. Good thinking.

After dinner, people were pretty excited to leave and get to bed. Chris and I were able to turn off the lights at about 8:45pm. That was a good feeling since we had a 6:30am race start, which would mean we would need to get up at about 4:00am. Morning would come fast.
I ended up waking up a bunch of times, but I felt like I got some good sleep as well. We hit the continental breakfast with some of the other athletes and were off to the race course. We were pretty close to the race venue so we arrived promptly at 5:15...plenty of time to get the wheels pumped up and transition area set up. And maybe even a warm up. New concept for me. At this time in the morning, it’s still very dark which made getting things in the right place and seeing exactly what pressure your tires were really at. Though it was dark, I loved the idea that we would be on the course before the sun came up. The only downside of all this is that I only brought tinted goggles which made it difficult to see the buoys. But who really sights off those anyway? I would not lead since Bruce was there as well as some other legit swimmers. I just needed to follow the splashing.
I went for a quick run with Chris and Chris and made one last stop at the port potty. I got on my B70 Helix and headed to the swim start in a very murky reservoir. I actually did a little warm up swim too… all these new things :). The national anthem was sung, and all of a sudden we had 2 minutes to go. The nerves started flying and people were getting really excited and pushing close to the front. I felt like I was getting squished, so I made my way to the front and possibly a little across the line. The countdown began and more eeking forward occurred. Then it was go time. I was worried about the start of this race because it was the most competitive field I have ever raced in. All the people there had won a race in their own state that was a qualifier for this race. So just about everyone thought they had a legitimate chance of winning this thing…and it all starts with the swim. I took off fast with fast turnover and moving at a good clip. I got clear of most the chaos and found myself with about 5 in front and a couple around. With 86 people in this race, I knew I was near the front and now I would just need to make sure I did not get sucked up and blown out. The first turn came pretty quickly. But I could see someone moving off the front. I knew that was Bruce and he would lead the swim. The second buoy came pretty quickly too which also meant we were on our way back. There was a bit of bumping and kicking, but all unintentional I would think. I could not see any of the turn buoys because of all the splashing and my tinted goggles. But I knew I was on track. Most the guys I was with seemed to swim straight. Then we made the final turn and I was on my way to the exit steps which were pretty easy to see. I started to think about the bike and what I needed to do. That seems to relax me a bit for some reason. I don’t think I slow down too much, but it helps me to set up for that. I got to the stairs and got up them quickly. This is the same swim reservoir and steps that they use for IM Arizona. I got out and eventually found out I swam a 11:04 for 1000 meters…ya right. In other words, the course was short…real short. Now many people would think that this is not necessarily a bad thing. This is a bad thing. Not because good swimmers don’t get an advantage, but it ends up making the bike really congested and creates ‘packs, ‘ a little foreshadowing? I think I was 10th out of the swim, but was 5th onto the bike.

Obviously a lot of frustration from this race, much like ITU Worlds in Vancouver. But it all boils down to this. If the USAT cannot get courses that can facilitate a ‘fair’ race, people are simply going to stop coming to them. Clearwater is a perfect example. I thought the USAT National course in Portland was great. It was challenging enough to break things up and I did not see any drafting there and I did not hear any complaints either. I think most athletes would agree, but for some reason race directors don’t think about this. A lot of people have stopped going to ITU or USAT championship events because they simply are not fair, and the race officials do not enforce their own rules. It’s sad and I hope more attention is paid to this in the future. These races cost too much, and people train too hard, not to be treated to an honest race. Enough said.
After we all licked our wounds, and people shared their view of the pack on the bike course, we decided to head back and get some lunch. We went to another sports bar and ate outside and shared more stories and talked about what’s up for the rest of the year. Chris Fetter (from Nevada) decided to head out. He had to drive 5 hours home. I hope we all cross paths with him in the future. After eating some strawberry shortcake (that is what I ordered) we headed back to the hotel to pack the bikes and get ready for our departure. But before we did, Bruce and I still needed to hit the In and Out burger joint. I had never been there and he said it’s a must do. So we went and got our orders to go. I ordered the ‘Double Double’ with sautéed onions with fries, soda and a chocolate milkshake. Bruce ordered a couple burgers fries and a soda. We took them back to the hotel and ate it all there while watching “Goodwill Hunting” and “Patch Adams.” Nice way to end the trip really. We both jumped on the Best Western shuttle to the airport. Again, Bruce was not even a guest here but took advantage of all of its offerings.

On a HUGE side note, that I thought I would put at the end, while I was down at this race Jessi ended up getting in a bad bike accident on a ride with the club out north on Sunday. I have not even seen her yet, but apparently a deer (a buck with antlers) ran out in front of her and she ended up going over the bars and hitting her head pretty hard. She was taken by ambulance on a backboard and in a c-collar to the hospital. She suffered a pretty solid concussion ruining her helmet. She also got some road rash on her lower back. She is doing okay now, but I have to say a huge thank you to all the friends and family that were there for her while I could not be. When I heard about this I was pretty freaked out, but I started to hear all the people who were there and all the people that were helping out with everything. So a big thank you to Greg, Ken, Steve, Tiffany, Natalie, Tim Swanson, Nate, Tricia, Steve W., Eric, Linda, Mom, Dad, Tim Seppa, and probably a host of others. Though I wish I could have been there, I knew she was in amazing hands with all of you. What great friends and family we have. I really appreciate all of your support.
Awesome race report - complete with pictures and everything! Sorry about all of the drafting. What a bummer and completely unacceptable. Glad you were able to come out knowing you had a phenomenal bike though. Pretty bad ass! Really, just qualifying to be there at all was bad ass! As always, you played like a champion. Nice work!
Thank you for the race report. Eventful is right. I always love hearing about your races and cheer for you via blogosphere. I agree with you about a "fair" race. We all don't mind the game just as long as we all play by the rules. . . .you continue to amaze me. . . .and a little part of that is your athletic ability. :-)
Hey - well done, Roger! You finished off with Jessi and that's what's left on my mind - I'm so sorry about the accident, and that you weren't there when it happened! And so glad to hear that she's going to be OK. I know she's got the best caregiver around.
Way to lead the bike! And to so legally :) Love the photos.. running with Bruce has got to be pretty fun..
Hey Roger, I was Delaware from the bridge. You and Bruce put your balls out there and raced with heart and integrity. Great job. That bike was a joke. A few were trying to be legal but most didn't seem to care. I destroyed any chance of a decent run trying to get away. I thought the penalties would help with my placing?!?! I could barely respond to you on the bridge. Best of luck in the future.
great race out there Roger! Sounds like the course resembled an ITU course, making it a little hard to get strung out.. Way to go off the front, bummer that they caught up with you. Great work putting it out there and setting the pace. GO Washington!
I hate drafting cheaters. I say that even though I am "officially" one of them now. I understand that it's not the way you wanted to finish off your season, but know that we Washingtonians are proud of you! Give Jessi a hug for me and let me know if you need me to bring her any treats from FF. Like a new helmet...
Ok I will be honest I always watch the tour, and I love it when people have the guts to try and beat the pack. I think it is really cool that even when the pack in the race was cheating, and riding as a group(a huge advantage) you can still beat them!! I am sure they will all wonder how the hell that guy riding solo had the fastest bike split. Having to race with a bunch of cheaters was Probably not the way you wanted to end your season, but that will just make you more hungry for next year.
Nice report Roger. Love your narratives always a great read. BUmmer about the cheating:(
It goes to show Washintonians really are polite and try to follow the rules. You are the best Representative we could have sent.
Nice stong bike though and carring it out as far as you did Amazing!
Sorry about Jessi, I know how close you both are and how it hurts not to be there when you're needed. She def. was in Great hands. Glad to hear she's on the rebound.
M & J
Sounds like an awesome experience. It reminds me a lot of the feeling I get when I race the Armed Forces Championships. I'm always impressed when someone can hold off a pack. I always end up getting swallowed up in them since I'm a lot slower rider than you are. USAT has a bad habit of failing to enforce a lot of rules. It's especially frustrating when they don't enforce the one that makes the race unfair and steals what an athlete earned in blood, sweat and tears through all the training. Knowing you did the right thing doesn't pay you what you earned, so I'm disappointed for you. Knowing that they didn't just throw out warnings, but actually had a list of violaters and ignored it is appaling. Anyway, at least the experience was a good one. Perhaps I'll have to race for Idaho, Oregon or some other state ... since you're probably not going to let me beat you for Washington.
There are always those what-ifs. You understand the issues and know there was nothing "you" could do about it. You raced your race and in the end should be proud of your effort. You represented the state well and who knows maybe something like this will maybe turn the tides. You had a great season and finished strong.
RT, sounds like you had a good race. It may not have been a great race, but it sounds like a good race. Way to tear it up on the bike! I love the pictures and the pre and post race adventures. What did you think of In & Out? Pretty good, huh? I also love that Bruce was a total Best Western groupy! Hilarious!!
Great post and race, Rog! I'm very proud of you, of your incredible discipline and athletic ability, and of your integrity and class in a championship. Way to go!
Tim (Seppa)
Hi Rog!
Great report and race! You represented us well and played like a champion!
Love Linda
Roger, I used to raced on Team Spokane with you way back in the day. Good to find you are still racing and doing well. My mom and sister live in Spokane now, but I live in Connecticut. I did the New York City Triathlon a couple of years ago. Nice to catch up with what you are doing. Keep it up. Brent Soderberg
Solid race, as usual. Even in the face of some challenges were out of your control. I'm gonna focus on the positive-you held a pack off during the entire bike.....I thought that was pretty amazing. You can ride a bike n stuff.
But I must say, my favorite part was to see that you ate IN N OUT Burger. My favorite! Especially after a race. Grilled onions, chocolate shake....man that sounds good right now.
Congrats (even though it's a little late :)
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