

Monday, January 21, 2008

A new Direction

Not going to start with ‘I’m Back,’ because with Blogging I think you are only allowed to say that once. And I have already said it. Otherwise it just seems like a lame way of saying, “I am done procrastinating for a bit again.”

It’s hard to stay on top of this when you have a wife like I do that seems to be the blogging Queen. She does some pretty amazing things that communicates what is going on with our family quite well. So I am not going to try and top that or add to it. I am a guy, and I need one task… one topic… one that is easy for me to write about. Because if it’s not easy, I won’t do it. So what can I easily write about? Football. That’s right, I am going to give you all the highlights, my playoff picks, and the players that are making the biggest impact. Ya right. I would do better if I were to talk about business news in the Wall Street Journal. So what do I know most about? Probably me. But instead of talking about myself, I figure it will be more of little stories along the way through my triathlon season. Things that I think about during training, or even things that happen during training. Might even throw in some race reports and other interesting (at least to me) events that happen along the way.

So I will start this with some information about what has been going on lately to kind of ‘set the stage’ so to speak. Not a lot of detail here, just the facts to bring you up to speed… or for me to bring myself up to speed if I am the only one reading this.

1. This year I will be mainly racing Olympic distance races, so my training will reflect that.
2. Yes, I am signed up for IM Cda, but that does not mean I will race it.
3. Two major races will be ITU Worlds in mid June and USAT national Championships in September.
4. I received an offer to race for Team Timex. Yes, I accepted it.
5. I will be making a MAJOR change in my bike this year. More details on that later.
6. First big race of the season will more than likely be Wildflower in early May.
7. Training has resumed in full swing since mid January.

That’s it. I hope to be writing much more frequently, but not making any commitment to do so… just wanting to.


Tiffany said...

Happy to have you back - or done procrastinating! Congrats on Team Timex! What an awesome accomplishment! I look forward to hearing about your training and watching some of your races! Go Robbie!!!!

jessithompson said...

Nice work, baby... can't wait to see what good stories this season will hold. Congrats on Timex - you deserve it.

The Farrell Family said...

Congratulations on Team Timex. That is great!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Rog!
Congrats on Team Timex...a super honor! And you are back blogging...pleasant surprise! I checked and checked and then gave up thinking you had quit...but I look forward to your stories and updates about racing!
Love Linda